Post 257 By-laws  

As Amended and Approved January 25, 2024


These by-laws are in force pursuant to the Constitution of Desmond T. Doss Post 257, Collegedale,

Tennessee. This revision supersedes the previous version dated January 23.2020.


Members shall furnish the Post Adjutant with the information needed to prove his or her military

service, dates of service, and type of discharge, to establish eligibility for membership in accordance

with provisions of The American Legion National Constitution and By-Laws, 2022.


Section 1. The management of Post 257 is entrusted to the Executive Committee, consisting of all

post officers plus the immediate past post commander, plus four other elected at-large

executive members.

Section 2. Elections – All officers of the post for the ensuing year shall be elected and certified to the

Department Adjutant not later than five days prior to the announced dates of the department

convention. Certification shall be made on forms furnished or prescribed by the Department;

provided that no delegate shall be seated until such election and certification. As the

annual convention is in June, to comply with this date for election of officers and executive

 committee members a nominating committee, appointed in February by the current executive

committee will present a qualified slate of nominees to the membership present at a regular post-

meeting in February. Nominations will be accepted from the floor at both the February and March

 meetings. The election will be held at the March regular business meeting. Candidates voted into office

will assume their duties July 1st.

The position of post commander requires the nominee to have served a continuous minimum of

two years on the executive committee of Post 257.

Section 3. Any vacancy existing in the executive committee from causes other than the expiration of

term shall be filled by a majority vote of the remaining members of the committee. The person so

appointed shall hold office for the unexpired term of the committee member he or she succeeds. A

vacancy shall exist when an executive committee member is absent for a period considered

detrimental to the interest of the post by the executive committee. Absence from three consecutive

meetings of the post and/or the executive committee without the post commander’s permission shall

be disqualifying. Officer appointments by the executive committee shall be voted on by the membership

at the next regular post-meeting.

Section 4. The fiscal year of the post is July 1 to June 30.


Section 1. The executive committee shall be responsible for the management of this post, as

authorized by the post membership. This committee shall meet for organizational business within 30

Days after the election of new committee members. Thereafter it meets at the call of the post

commander for organization, planning of events and meetings, or such other business as may come

before it. The quorum shall be five (5) executive committee members. The commander shall call a

meeting upon the joint written request of five (5) or more executive committee members.

Section 2. The executive committee shall authorize all expenditures between regularly called

meetings of the membership, including the hiring of employees subject to approval as part of new

business at such called post meetings, and shall require safeguards such as security bonding for all  

persons having custody of post funds.


Section 1. Officer’s Guide. For a more detailed explanation of the following officers’ duties,

refer to The American Legion Officer’s Guide.

Section 2. Post Commander. This is the chief officer of Post 257, responsible for supervising the

business and affairs of the post. The post commander presides at all general meetings of the post and

the executive committee meetings. The post commander is responsible for the production of the

post’s report for the year and recommendations for the ensuing year. These are to be presented at

the annual district meeting and forwarded to the Department Adjutant. The post commander performs

such other duties as directed by the post. The post commander is one of three post officers authorized

to sign checks. The post commander will have approval authority for expenditures up to $100.00 per

month as deemed necessary to meet incidental and/or emergency needs.

Section 3. First Vice-Commander. This officer carries out duties outlined in Section 2 of this article

in case of the post commander’s absence or disability and assumes other duties as designated by the

post commander.

Section 4. Second Vice-Commander. This officer carries out duties outlined in Section 2 of this

article in case of the post commander’s and first vice-commander’s absence or disability. The

Second Vice-Commander assumes other duties as designated by the post commander.

Section 5. Post Adjutant. This officer is responsible for keeping a current, correct file on all

members, including copies of their DD214 documentation and record of service in the post. This

officer keeps minutes of all meetings; renders reports of membership for the annual district meeting;

under direction of the post commander handles all post correspondence; and keeps such records as

required by the Department or National Organizations. The post adjutant is one of three officers

authorized to sign checks.

Section 6. Post Finance Officer. This officer has charge of collecting, depositing, and disbursing all

post finances, furnishing such safeguards as shall be directed by the executive committee. This

officer is one of three officers authorized to sign checks. During each monthly meeting, the post

finance officer reports the post’s financial status, including collections, disbursements, and bank

balances for the period. This officer shall make recommendations as he may deem expedient or

necessary for raising funds with which to carry on the activities of the post.

Section 7. Post Historian. This officer keeps a record relating to the founding and continuation of

post activities, via a scrapbook and/or the post website. Also included are

accounts of individual members’ accomplishments in connection with post activities or earlier military

service. The post historian delivers an annual report detailing items of historical significance for the year, along with highlights of members’ service records or other material suitable for building pride

within the post.

Section 8. Post Chaplain. This officer sees to the spiritual welfare of the post comrades, providing

non-sectarian services connected to dedications, funerals, public functions, etc. The Post Chaplain

Offers prayer at the beginning of each meeting of the post or executive committee. The Post Chaplain

is responsible for the post flower fund and its management.

Section 9. Post-Service Officer. This officer acts as an advisor and guide for veterans and their

dependents, whether members of The American Legion or not, as to the rights and benefits granted

them by law. The post service officer refers them to expert services available through this

organization as well as those of other agencies in the community.

Section 10. Sergeant-at-Arms. This officer preserves order at all meetings, sets up meeting and ritual

areas according to the Manual of Ceremonies, and performs such other duties as the commander or

executive committee may direct.

Section 11. Post Membership Officer. This officer shall have charge of all matters pertaining to the

membership of the post, including the procuring of new members, reinstatements and eligibility of


Section 12. Post Public Relations Officer. This officer shall be charged with the promotion of public

support of the post’s programs by the establishment of proper media contact with The American

Legion Magazine, Department and National Legion news services and by local media of post programs

and activities.


Delegates and alternates to the department convention shall be elected by the post at a regular

meeting held up to three months prior to that convention. The post will support financially, as funds

available, up to two delegates to attend the department convention.


Section 1. Immediately upon assuming office each year, the post commander shall appoint

members and chairpersons of the following standing committees: Americanism, JROTC Awards,

Boys State, Oratorical Contest, Nursing Home, and such other committees as deemed necessary by the


Section 2. Duties of these committees shall be as directed by National and Departmental

general or specific guidelines, and special instructions from the post commander.


All resolutions of local, state, or national scope adopted by this post shall merely embody the

the opinion of this post on the subject and a copy of the same will be forwarded to the Department of

Tennessee for its approval before any action or publicity takes place.


Section 1. The regular meeting of Post 257 shall be held on the fourth Thursday of each month at a

designated standard location or at such a special place as the post shall determine. Post business

will normally be transacted during such meetings, but part or all of some may be devoted to

programs as determined by the officers of the post.

Section 2. The post commander or executive committee may call a special meeting at any time,

giving ten days’ notice except in the case of special emergencies.

Section 3. Pursuant to a written request by five post members, the executive committee will call a

special meeting of the post.

Section 4. A quorum at a post-meeting shall be twelve (12) qualified members.

Section 5. The post adjutant shall cause notice of the annual election meeting to be given at least

fourteen days prior to that meeting.

Section 6. American Legion Auxiliary Unit 257 members, Sons of American Legion Squadron 257

members and American Legion Riders 257 members will attend the regular monthly meeting of the

post. These members may offer comments and suggestions during meetings; however, they may not

participate in the voting proceedings.


All business proceedings of this post will be conducted under Robert’s Rules of Order, except

as herein otherwise provided.


No liability incurred or caused to be incurred by this post shall subject any other post

subdivision, group of men and/or women, members of The American Legion, or other individuals,

corporations, or organizations to liability.


If this post should be disbanded for any reason other than loss of charter, all assets shall be

liquidated and any indebtedness satisfied with remaining


In the case of charter loss, all assets revert to the national organization of The American Legion for  

disposal as they see fit.


These by-laws may be amended at any regularly called post-meeting by a two-thirds majority

vote of the members present provided that (1) the proposed amendment shall have been submitted in

writing and read at the immediately preceding regularly called meeting, and (2) that a written copy of

the amendment shall have been given to all members at least 14 days in advance of the date of the

regularly called meeting when the amendment is to be voted upon.

These by-laws were amended and approved at a regularly called meeting of Post 257, Collegedale,

Tennessee on this date: January 25, 2024.